The Team

Andrea Papadopulo

Managing Director


Andrea is tasked with the day to day operation of INOVAIO. In 1998, Andrea developed a student website, This website was very successful and was ranked, at the time, as the second busiest site on Ananzi. Studentzone had in excess of two hundred thousand hits per week and close to one hundred and eighty thousand registered users. The site was subsequently sold to a marketer for research purposes.

In 2001, he conceptualized the ATM lottery. This technology would enable the public to buy lottery tickets via an ATM (Automated Teller Machine). The ATM lottery innovation was the subject of a patent application. In 2010, he embarked on the development of a mobile banking solution, Mobanka (Mobile Banking for Africa) (Trademark: 2011/02633). The solution was offered to the cellphone mobile operators in South Africa and Lesotho. This platform was designed to compete directly with M-Pesa (Africa’s largest mobile banking platform). The idea behind the concept was that banking should be completely free (Andrea still maintains that view).

In March 2011 Andrea began working on Monwi. A unique and disruptive technology to address inefficiencies in online discounting. In 2014, his UK based company – Advurtz Limited, embarked on a social transformation widget, Sotrascore, for small/medium sized companies. The widget gives prospective customers a snapshot of a company’s socio-economic contributions to society. In turn, potential customers recognise and reward responsible businesses by buying from them.

In 2016, Andrea started INOVAIO – A multi-disciplinary innovation consultancy.  INOVAIO develops and implements effective new products and services for it’s clients.


PhD Neuromarketing (Candidate)
University of South Africa
M.P.S (MTech) Technology Entrepreneurship
University of Maryland, A. James Clark School of Engineering
USA (summa cum laude)
BCom Honours
Business Management & Strategic Marketing (University of South Africa)
Marketing Management (University of South Africa)


  • Business Modelling & Value propositions
  • Strengthening Marketing Mix (forensic marketing)
  • Strategy development, Technology transfer and Competitive Advantage positioning
  • Commercialisation of new products and services (Chasm crossing)

Petrus Potgieter



Prof. Potgieter’s mathematical background encompasses over 20 years of experience in applied mathematical research, practice and teaching. Expertise in computability in analysis and unconventional computation and familiarity with management science, operations research, finance and telecommunication economics. Prof. Potgieter has extensive experience consulting in industry.


Mathematics (University of Pretoria)
Mathematics (Kent State University, United States of America)
BSc Honours
Mathematics (University of Pretoria)
Mathematics and Physics (University of Pretoria, Cum Laude)


  • Decision Sciences
  • Quantitative Management
  • Business Optimisation
  • Telecoms & Blockchain Technology
  • Information Management

George Angelopulo



George focuses on marketing, organisational and corporate communication, the research contexts of each, and their applications in organisations and business, media, marketing, social dynamics, urbanisation, brands and branding. His particular interest is the development and application of methodologies that can be used to understand these phenomena and the interactions between them.

George publishes regularly in peer reviewed journals, has written and edited books that are widely used as standard academic works at universities, and he has presented academic papers at conferences around the globe. George works with organisations that include listed and unlisted companies, multinationals, NGOs, many of South Africa’s government departments and a number of state owned enterprises. He has undertaken research in Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin and North America.


DLitt et Phil
RAU-University of Johannesburg (cum laude)
Communications (RAU, cum laude)
BA Honours
Communications (RAU)
Communications (RAU)


  • Stakeholder Perception Analysis
  • Communication Prioritization
  • Corporate Communication and Research
  • Social Dynamics
  • Brands & Branding

Euodia Botha

Revenue Developer™


Euodia is a detail-orientated individual with a passion for analytics, formulating insights & developing marketing strategies. She combines research and creativity to develop tailor-made marketing solutions.


BCom Honours
Marketing Management (University of Pretoria)(Cum Laude)
BCom (Consumer Science)
Interior Merchandising & Retail Management


  • Omni-Channel Statistical Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Management & Marketing
  • Content- & Copywriting
  • Google Advertising

Gustav Melck

Electronic and Industrial Engineer


Management consulting with a specialised focus on data mining, mathematical modelling and analysis, process analysis, industrial engineering, operations research and scheduling.


Electronic Engineering (University of Pretoria)
BEng (Honours)
Industrial Engineering (University of Pretoria)
Electronic Engineering (University of Pretoria)
Communications (RAU)


  • Industrial Engineering
  • Operations Research & Scheduling
  • Mathematical modelling and analysis
  • Data Mining

Peter Papadopulo

Legal Compliance (Director)


Peter is a practising South African Attorney and a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. He is also a Consultant Solicitor to a London based property and commercial law services firm Philip Ross Solicitors.

Peter was appointed as the compliance and legal services Director of Inovaio.

Peter has been in practice for more than 35 years and specialises in areas of Commercial Law, Mergers and Acquisitions (locally and Internationally), EU Insolvency Law, Property Law and also advises a number of property developers in South Africa. Peter’s experience includes many years of active participation in the food services industry having successfully launched a number of food related ventures.

In the many years of practice Peter has gained international experience and offers his services to clients both in South Africa and the UK. His consulting activities have gained him working experience with a number of leading European law firms, (with the Cyrus Ross law group) through his association with Philip Ross Solicitors.

In South Africa Peter has been consulted in a number of high value Mergers and Acquisitions as well as advising on commercial and residential property sales and acquisitions. Presently, he is lead counsel in the acquisition by a European company of a leading automotive parts manufacturer in South Africa.

Peter’s South African client base have collectively commercial property portfolios in excess of R3 billion. Currently, these developers have become active in the field of sectional title development and have successfully developed and marketed a number of up-market developments.

Peter practises both in South Africa and the UK and travels extensively to service clients internationally.


University of South Africa
Trinity College
Adv Certificate Trust Law
University of Pretoria
Certificate Sports Law
University of Pretoria
Adv Certificate in Business Rescue Practice
University of South Africa


  • Legal Compliance
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Commercial Law
  • Property Law

Jungdo Park (Jason)

Software Developer


Jungdo is a software developer with a passion for problem solving, system integration & development of new applications. He works on various systems including, but not limited to, web-based and mobile applications. 


B. IT Honors
Bachelor of Information Technology


  • Web Development (JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, JQuery)
  • App Development (Java, Swift)
  • Databases (RDBMS, NoSQL)

Contact Info

First Floor, The Meadows Estate
14 Homtini Avenue
Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044
South Africa
